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Grocery-Shopping Angels?

Someone was complaining, with much disgust – “How can the archangels become like servants to do the bidding of these so-called healers who are human?”

Oh my. Whatever gave people that impression.

We call upon our guardian angels, our spirit guides, not to do our bidding, but to (hopefully) impart wisdom and guidance to our everyday lives. As Healers, we also call upon the blessings of these higher evolved energy pools to guide us in healing. Sometimes the healing process can be accelerated when we can see the ’cause’ of the illness. And sometimes – if the Universe or karmic time permits – our guides and angels can help remove certain obstacles or illnesses when the timing is just right. That being said, when the soul-lesson has been learned.

I do not believe we can ‘instruct’ our angels and guides to do us little favors. Nor is it right. Kinda disrespectful. At most, we can only pray that our angels and guides lend a helping hand in our times of need. And only when we truly deserve it! The idea of ‘I need something so I shall pray for it’ is not so appropriate, I think. Hence I always say:

“Find God not when we are sad or in need. Find God when we are happy and not in need. Only then can we truly appreciate what we have ALREADY been given!”

Hope you get my drift.

I am not highly attuned to angelic energy and presence. I have only ‘met’ a few in my healing work – Archangel Michael with the fiery wings, and Archangel Azreal who isn’t fond of talking. I work more closely with the animal spirit guides instead, for the past few years.

I did have a brush with Archangel Raphael last year, about the same time Buddha Amoghasiddhi ‘appeared’ to me. It was only recently that I finally realized what the both were trying to tell me – walk towards the path of Healing without fear!

So here I am 😉

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