Your Journey to Healing

Isis Lotus Healing: An Overview

The Isis Lotus Healing is a gentle but effective energy healing system that is founded by Elizabeth Jensen, centered upon the wisdom and teachings of Ancient Egyptian medicine.

Isis is the Goddess of Magic, Healing, and Spiritual Science, and her Healers flow her blue healing light to repair not only the physical body, but also the auric body, which also encompasses the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of a human.

Before a Healing

A healing session normally lasts 1 hr and 15 minutes (including consultation). A complete course requires 3, sometimes 4 sessions.

Come in comfortable clothes.

During the first half of the healing session when you lie faced down on the healing bed, the Healer requires placing his/her hands on your

· Shoulders and palms

· Feet

· Upper and lower back

· Head

· Sometimes knees and calves

During the second half of the healing session you are required to lie on your back, facing upwards. Many clients tend to doze-off here. The Healer will place his/her hands for healing on your

· Shoulders and arms

· Feet

· Stomach

· Knees and lower leg

· Forehead and sometimes, cheeks

· Head

Healing energy can be directed to areas like the chest (Heart Chakra) and pelvic area (Root and Sacral Chakra) via the adjacent Chakras (throat and stomach). Energy can also be channeled by holding the hands one to two inches ABOVE the required area, without touching.

Come with a friend if you are unsure. Do not hesitate to ask questions before, after, and even during the healing process. Being relaxed allows healing to occur more effectively and quickly. You are allowed to stop the session at any time you feel uncomfortable (there are no side-effects) – it is your body after all!

Your Journey to Healing

1st session: Cleansing the Energy Body

Your energy body (auric field) is introduced for the first time to the Isis blue light healing energy. Clearing of residue energy and impurities that are attached to your energy body is done using the Healer’s hands as ‘combs’. Complex particles can normally be successfully removed by using the ‘violet flame transmutation’ method.

Opening of the Feet Chakras allows excess energy to flow back to the Earth (Grounding) – this is in fact one of the most crucial aspects in basic meditation and energywork. The Feet Chakras later allows energy to be flowed FROM the Earth into the body, for nourishment.

Next, each of the seven Chakras – plus, two more; the Soul Star and Earth Star – are opened, cleared, and re-energized to ensure they are all spinning at a consistent rate. This in turn allows energy to flow smoothly within and around your body – good physical and emotional health. After all, the Chakras are the core energy centers that govern vital organs and bodily functions in a person. Nefertum, the Lotus-born, oversees this process.

Finally, you will be conferred energy/psychic protection after all the healing in completed. This is to ensure that the healing energy stays within your energy feild for as long as possible (often 7 to 14 days), as well as to negate any negative psychic attacks that you may encounter. Nuit, the Night Sky Goddess, oversees this process. Anubis, the Guardian of Lost Souls, is sometimes called upon to deal with darker, more stubborn entities that may be involved.

2nd session: Karmic Clearing

Karmic ties and past experiences that have embedded themselves into our energy body causes us to sometimes react with an inexplicable sense of anger, fear, attachment, or sometimes even pity to certain people around us.

The 2nd session will focus on clearing energy-imprints that impede your physical health and spiritual development at various levels – childhood events, trauma, and unresolved pain – and in many cases, wounds and imprints from various past lives/existences. This includes attachments and vows made in previous existences that no longer serve a higher purpose in this present life. Removing these burdens allow for more fulfilling relationships to occur now. In some cases, this can cause a person to detach themselves from abusive relationships.

Along with Isis – Maat, the Principle of Balance and Justice; and Thoth, the Keeper of Karmic Records, oversee this level of karmic healing.

Karmic Clearing also allows the removal of entities that may be attached to you from previous lives – past lovers and family members, vengeful spirits, spells and curses – that hinder positive growth in this life. Often, these are causes to chronic health issues like migraine, fatigue, and depression. Depending on the severity of the case, Anubis, or the fiery energy of Goddess Sekhmet can be invoked for this purpose.

3rd session: Activation of the Divine Seed Pearls

The ‘Divine Seed Pearls’ are (often latent) energy pools that contain the collective wisdom of a person’s Soul’s journey, throughout countless incarnations and existences. By activating these Divine Seed Pearls, latent spiritual energy can be awakened – and you will find yourself experiencing miracles and seeing divine wisdom/lessons in everything around you.

The Blue Seed Pearl located behind the 3rd Eye, moves you toward your Soul Destiny, allowing you a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and purpose. In many cases, clients have reported to become more psychic after activating this Seed Pearl. Isis, along with her son Horus, the Eagle God, guides this process.

The Red Seed Pearl when activated, not only heals the physical body over time, but also strengthens it tremendously. Feel strong waves of energy ripple within you. Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess, oversees this activation. The Red Seed Pearl is also the energy pool that facilitates manifestation abilities, turning your dreams into reality.

The remaining three White Seed Pearls are also storages for the Soul’s wisdom, and as such, past fear and trauma will be cleared from all Divine Seed Pearls, before being re-energized.

Other Common Cases

  • Relationships – for women, the Goddess Hathor can be called upon to facilitate compassion, love, and marriage – along with dance and music, the spice of life. Hathor also teaches women the importance of nurturing yourself, before you are fully able to nurture others. For men, Osiris the ‘Perfect Male Principle’ as well as the God of Fertility is invoked for guidance.
  • Abundance – the energy of the Scarab is often associated to abundance and wealth. Additionally, Amun-Ra, the Creator Sun God, teaches the power of wise manifestation.
  • Power & Foresight – are the special qualities of Horus, as well as protection, wisdom, and victory. Seek his guidance during career blocks.
  • Sexual Issues – such as abuse, repression, as well as depression, often sees the arrival of Bast, the Cat Goddess of joy and regeneration. She teaches one to accept joy and liberation into their lives – qualities so often forgotten in today’s society.
  • Cancer – depending on the severity, Sekhmet often guides this healing, using her fiery energy to clear away negative cells. Then, the energies of the Ankh and the Flower of Life lend regeneration of new, healthy cells in the body.

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